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Unternehmen-25 Jahre virtual7

From the floppy disk to the cloud

Together we are shaping the digital future.
With great passion and expertise from over two decades of experience.

25 Jahre in der IT-Branche fühlen sich an wie eine Zeitreise. Eine Entwicklung, in der es Höhen und Tiefen gab, Erfolge und Misserfolge. Sie hat viel Gutes zu Tage geführt und uns als Unternehmen wie auch im Privaten gezeigt, dass die einzige Beständigkeit die Veränderung ist. Wir als virtual7 feiern gemeinsam an den Standorten Karlsruhe, München, Nürnberg, Pfäffikon und Timisoara aber auch mit unseren Kunden der öffentlichen Hand und den Bürger:innen Deutschlands die Veränderungen der letzten 25 Jahre!

Logo evolution


1996 – 2005

The first Microsoft Internet Explorer was launched in 1995. The Internet, and with it the “new media”, was on the rise. The first customer projects were mainly corporate websites and various platforms.


2005 – 2015

Over time, the profile of virtual7 has developed corners and edges, both technologically and visually. The logo bears a certain resemblance to a sliding puzzle, but stands for character, modularity and stability. virtual7 gmbh is typographically complemented to support this.


seit 2015

The current logo of virtual7 GmbH was created in the course of the major rebranding. Together with the claim “ORACLE. EXPERTISE.PASSION.” it heralded a new era and virtual7 set a clear focus on Oracle technologies. It still stands for stability and dynamism today.

Sessel Bild

Folge 24 – 25 Jahre virtual7!

Ein Blick in die Vergangenheit

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unsere standorte


The headquarters of virtual7 GmbH is designed in the style of an open and light-flooded open-plan office. In addition to the numerous workstations on the top floor of the building, the office also has another floor with conference rooms.


The office is located at the Viktualienmarkt in Munich. Surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the city. It was founded in 2014. The office in Munich offers space for around 10 employees.


Our Nuremberg office is located in the heart of the city and is the youngest of all our branches. It was opened in 2018.


Our Romanian colleagues have a fantastic view of the city. The open-plan office is the second largest of our locations and was established back in 2004.


The smallest of our offices is located in the small town in Switzerland and was founded in 2015.

virtual7 locations



Informationstechnik Zentrum BUND

Our cooperation is characterized by the good and trusting working methods of the virtual7 employees. With their Oracle know-how, they support second-level support and provide reliable technical support for the more than 1000 users at the Federal Office of Administration. The very homogeneous team has been providing ITZBund support for years and is now an integral part of our project. In a very short space of time, we have built up a team that we are constantly developing. This collaboration is simply fun!


ISO Public Services IT für E-Government

For many years, the ISO-Gruppe and virtual7 have enjoyed a strong partnership, which our teams actively live out together on a daily basis in numerous projects for Germany’s largest public authority, the Federal Employment Agency. It is therefore a special pleasure for us to congratulate virtual7 on the best age a company can have. We look forward to working with virtual7 in the coming years to make Germany’s e-government fit for the 21st century.



Since 1999, we have not only been connected by purely business interests, but above all by a friendship. virtual7 has developed very well in all these years and the two founders can be really proud of their achievements. We still work on projects together today and the collaboration is always a lot of fun. The new corporate culture in particular makes us want more.



From the very beginning, the relationship with Jochen and Marcus was open, fair and trusting. It is a pleasure to work with them and their team in Timisoara. Our advice was always followed and the audits were impeccable, showing a healthy company that abides by the law. The company has grown over time from two to over 30 employees, many of whom have been with the company for more than ten years.



Over 20 years of successful cooperation now link our tax and legal firm with the IT consulting and software company. Together, we look back on two decades that were characterized by steady growth. As tax consultants, we naturally also look back at the figures and note that virtual7’s turnover today is around 250 times higher than at the start of our partnership – that’s really something to be proud of. As reliably as the company continues to grow, our collaboration with the teams runs just as smoothly.

We look forward to continuing to support the company in the future and congratulate them on a quarter of a century of virtual7!

Congratulations from our team

25 Jahre, 300 Monate, 9152 Tage, 219000 Stunden, 13140000 Minuten, 788400000 Sekunden. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Jubiläum und auf mindestens genauso viele weitere erfolgreiche Jahre!

Ich wünsche virtual7 weitere 25 Jahre – erfolgreiche und vorausschauende Planung – gesicherte Arbeitsplätze für alle Kolleg:innen – weiterhin zündende Ideen.

In den letzten 25 Jahren ist viel passiert. Die Kunden und Projekte wurden größer, die Büros moderner und schöner, die Kolleg:innen immer mehr und die Strukturen und Prozesse professioneller. Was geblieben ist, sind der gute Teamgeist und die angenehme Atmosphäre.

Mit dem besten Team und den coolsten Geschäftsführern der Welt. Ich wünsche mir, dass wir mit einem bombastischen BÄÄÄÄÄÄM in die nächsten 25 grandiosen Jahre starten!

Wow, wie die Zeit fliegt. Marcus und Jochen haben mit virtual7 ein tolles und gesundes Unternehmen geschaffen, in dem Mitarbeiter:innen und Kunden gut aufgehoben sind.

Die Menschlichkeit, Ehrlichkeit und das Arbeiten auf Augenhöhe macht Spaß. Bleibt so wie ihr seid. Euer eingeschlagener Weg fühlt sich aus Mitarbeitersicht stimmig und richtig an. Auf weitere 25 erfolgreiche Jahre.

Do you also want to write history?